Monday, July 30, 2012

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Keyword Research: How to Use Free Keyword Research Tools

Parameters: Do Not be signed into a Gmail account when you start your keyword research.

Open 3 browser tabs, A, B, and C

Type one each of the following into your tabs...

A. Type in "Keyword Tool External" into your first tab. Type in your keyword. Solve the Captcha and pick "exact" on the left sidebar. And check only show ideas closely related to my search terms.

B. Type in "allintitle" into your second tab. Pick a keyword with <10,000 searches.

As you see below the keyword MLM Lead Generation has 21,900 pages with the keyword in the title. That will be difficult to target because it has over 10, 000 pages with the keyword in the title.

C. Type in " " . into your third tab. Place "your keyword" between the brackets . The keyword here is MLM Lead Generation. Target searches <50,000

As you can see above, this keyword has 594,000 pages that exactly match our keyword phrase "MLM Lead Generation". It exceeds our target of no more than 50,000 pages with that particular phrase.

If you want to rank on the first page of Google for this phrase, you can do it but it will take automation tools to achieve that. We will get into those tools as we go along in this course.

You have two target markets. Internet marketers already involved in MLM are one target market. People searching for an online business opportunity to join are your other target market. These are huge markets globally so you do not have to worry about running out of people to target.

Typically you want to search for MLM Company Reviews, Guru Reviews and Product Reviews. You can search by Name, Name + Review, Name + Scam, Etc.

You can find companies to search at and You will have to do a little exploring or you can just do Google searches.

The hardest part is coming up with keywords to target that fall within the criteria for number of searches. If you get really good at off-page SEO then you can target higher volume keywords.

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Tom Coleman

Skype: tom.coleman767


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